You might think that your car isn’t going to have an effect on your car insurance rates. After all, cars aren’t like people; just because you have an expensive car doesn’t mean you’re likely to have higher car insurance rates. But, in fact, your car does affect your car insurance rates. Here’s why.

Types of Car Insurance

There are two types of car insurance. The first is liability, which pays for damages you cause in an accident that’s not your fault. This type of car insurance covers other drivers and their cars in the event that you get into an accident with them. The second type is collision coverage, which pays for repairs if you get into an accident with your own car and it’s deemed your fault.

New vs. Used Cars

One factor that affects your car insurance rates is what kind of car you drive. If you have a newer model, then your car insurance rates are higher than if you had an older model. This is because the newer models are more expensive to fix and less likely to get stolen. The difference in your car insurance rates can be up to 10 percent for a newer model vs an older model, depending on the company’s policy. As well, the faster your car is, the more likely it is to be involved in an accident or vandalized and thus require more repairs or theft protection.

How Much Does Condition Affect Car Insurance Rates?

The condition of your car plays a big role in your car insurance rates. You see, if you have a car that’s in really good condition, it would be worth more than one that is in bad shape. This means that if your car is stolen and totaled, it could be considered salvage and you would only get the value for the material, not the value for a new vehicle. So, how does this affect your insurance rates? Well, if there are more people with cars that are worth more money and less cars with people who want to steal them, then your chances of getting into an accident and having to file a claim drops. So what does this all mean? It means that maintaining your car in good condition helps you keep lower premiums.

How Much Does Driver History Affect Car Insurance Rates?

Driver history is one of the factors that affects your car insurance rates.  If you have a clean driving record, you can expect to pay less for your insurance than someone who has had a few tickets or accidents on their record. This is because the more accidents or violations you get, the more risk you are to the insurance company. Higher risk means higher premiums! You might think that if you’ve had an accident before, it will only affect your rates if you have another one. But this isn’t always true. You can be at a higher risk for often years after an accident or violation even if there are no other incidents on your driving record.

How Much Does Credit Score Affect Car Insurance Rates?

Your credit score affects car insurance rates because you can use this to minimize your risk. A person with a poor credit score is more likely to be involved in an accident or have their vehicle stolen, which will make them more of a risk to the insurance company. This makes it more expensive for the company to provide coverage and they’ll pass that expense on to you by raising your car insurance rates. One way you can improve your credit score is by paying off any outstanding balances you might have. If you have any collections, chargeoffs or late payments on your credit report, make sure these are either paid off or settled. Get copies of all three of your reports and take note of anything that is not accurate so you can dispute these items with the reporting agency. In order for your credit score to be as accurate as possible, take care in what you list on your report. List all secured accounts first and then any unsecured ones. It is important that the whole truth is listed in order for it to accurately reflect who you are as a driver and how much risk you pose to an insurance company when they’re deciding how much they want to charge you for car insurance coverage.

How Much Does Accident and Totality History Affect Car Insurance Rates?

The accident and totality history of your car is the second most important part of determining your rates. The cost of a car insurance policy is determined partly by the make, model, and year of the vehicle. But, for the most part, it’s determined by your accident and totality history. If you have a newer car with low miles and good accident/totality history, then you will probably be paying less than someone who has an older car with more miles and a history of accidents/totalties. Your car insurance rates will vary based on how old your car is, how many miles it has, what style it is (sports cars are more expensive to insure), your accident and totality history, etc. When you buy a new or used car, you should get an auto insurance quote before signing anything so that you know exactly how much it costs to insure that specific vehicle. That way, you know what to expect when you go to purchase a new or used car.

How Much Does a Defective Vehicle Affect Car Insurance Rates?

The first thing to know is that you can still receive insurance coverage with a defective vehicle. But, the cost of your car insurance will be higher because of the risk associated with a defective vehicle. And this risk is much greater when the car has an expensive price tag. For example, if you have a $70,000 BMW and it’s worth repairing, your rates might increase by 20-40%. There’s no guarantee that your rates won’t increase after any type of accident in a car that’s expensive, but there are also cars where crashes don’t affect the car insurance rates at all.

Summing Up

Your car has an effect on your car insurance rates. There are a few reasons for this, but the most important reason is that your car is a reflection of you and your lifestyle. Consider: if you have a flashy high-end sports car, then people might think you’re more likely to be involved in an accident. If you have a messy, beat up old pickup truck with rusty wheels, people might think that you’re less likely to be involved in an accident. Basically, your car says something about who you are and what kind of person you are to other drivers on the road. This doesn’t mean that it’s not possible to find affordable car insurance if you have an expensive sports car or expensive luxury vehicle, but it does make it more difficult. The key is to know what type of person your car portrays so that you can adjust your strategy accordingly when shopping for new insurance coverage.